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public nuisance 【法律】公妨犯;社會的害物。

public offence

Liquid cryatal also use on the public nuisance of chemical industry , the oriented polymer of macromolecular reaction , the nondestructive evaluation and microwave determination of aviational machine and metallurgic product , checking skin cancer in medicine , body temperature measurement , etc . it has showed the great superiority 另外液晶在化工的公害測定、高分子反應的定向聚合、航空機械及冶金產品的無損探傷和微波測定、醫學上的皮癌檢查、體溫測量等領域,也都顯示出其巨大的優越性。

Environmental tort law in japan has originated in liability without negligence in public nuisance , today , liability without negligence and presumption of causation have become common legislation systems in environmental tort law all over the world , compensation and get rid of infringe are the major remedies in civil legal systems 各國環境侵權法律制度中,無過失責任原則和因果關系推定規則已成為通制。在民事救濟上,主要是賠償損失和排除侵害,其中,在排除侵害的適用上,各國都帶有濃厚的利益權衡色彩。

The experiment was conducted to determine the influence of different regulation and control methods of soil moisture , such as plastic film mulching , covering grass under trees , growing grass under trees , irrigating regularly , loosening the soil under trees , on quality of fruit in a non - public nuisance crisp pear garden in the area of old course of yellow river 摘要以45年生酥梨樹為試材,分析測定塑料薄膜覆蓋、樹盤覆草、自然生草、定期灌水、清耕等不同土壤水分管理措施對土壤水分和酥梨品質的影響,結果表明:塑料薄膜覆蓋和樹盤覆草處理中,土壤含水率比較適宜,且變幅較小,有利于果實生長發育和提早著色,提早成熟,產量和品質較好;其它處理中土壤含水率要么過高,要么過低,且變幅較大,酥梨的果實品質也比較差。

With the rapid development of the scientific technology and the acceleration of the steps of urbanization and industrialization , the environment disruption to the natural sources done by human beings gets more and more serious . since the twentieth century , the environment problems have become more and more obvious , and the environmental crimes as well as the environmental public nuisances have happened continually , all of which have greatly threatened the human lives , the security of property , and even the social and economic development 本文以犯罪學為視角,通過描述的方法對反國際環境犯罪的法律對策、社會對策的現狀進行了列舉,然后運用列舉、對比、概括等研究方法對打擊和預防國際環境犯罪的立法現狀、執法現狀和非法律層面的合作現狀進行了評析,并提出其中存在的問題和解決的建議。

The administrative monopoly has a long history hi china and has a deep cause of politics , economic and society . it is a public nuisance to socialism market economy nowadays . the competition policy plays a fundamental role in w . t . o 行政壟斷在我國由來已久,其產生有著深刻的政治、經濟和社會原因,從計劃經濟向市場經濟轉軌以后,它已成為我國社會主義市場經濟的一大公害,不僅造成國內市場主體在具體權利義務上的不對等性,也造成國內、外市場主體地位的不平等,導致市場扭曲,破壞了公平競爭的市場機制。

Influence of regulation and control methods of soil moisture on quality of fruit in non - public nuisance crisp pear garden in area of old course of yellow river 酥梨果實發育期土壤水分調控方法及其對果實品質的影響

A public nuisance is an act that interferes with the enjoyment of a right that all members of the community are entitled to 滋擾公眾行為是指對社會全體成員享受法律規定權利的干涉。

The speaker is apparently unaware ( that ) dog is a public nuisance 發言人顯然沒有注意到,狗是一種社會公害。

Creating a public nuisance . take your pick 造成公眾恐慌,隨你選